Monday, 25 January 2016

Math Update!

We are learning how to identify, describe and sort 3D solids. 

What are the differences between prisms and pyramids? 

Take a look at some of our creations from today's math class. Which 3D solids can you identify? 

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Math Update

In math we are learning about composing  2D shapes. We are having fun creating all kinds of shapes and sizes using geoboards, tangrams, and pattern blocks. 

We are also learning about certain attributes that make shapes alike. For example triangles have 3 sides but the length of the sides can change. Hexagons have 6 sides but we can make different looking hexagons. 

We had some interesting conversations about the differences between rectangles and squares. 

Next week we will be learning about 3D solids! 

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Grade Two Science

Grade Two students have science homework! We are learning about movement and simple machines. Students are asked to bring a toy that moves to school on Thursday for our lesson. Students should be able to use movement words to describe how their toy moves (rolls, bounces, turns, etc.) Any questions just ask!

Walk to School/ Pajama Day Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Walk to School day! We are really hoping for 100% participation. As an extra incentive if students would like they can bring their stuffies and wear pajamas to school tomorrow!