
Spelling Homework

At  the beginning of each week students will learn new spelling words. They copy these words into their agenda. Students bring home the spelling book on Mondays and complete the spelling activities for each night. Spelling homework is due every Monday. Students may bring their spelling books to school early if it is completed.

Poetry Homework

Each week we explore a new poem or song in class during our 'Shared Reading' time. As a group we practise reading the poem with expression, attention to punctuation, and in a variety of different ways. At the end of each week students will bring this poem/song home in their Poetry Folders. Students are encouraged to share the poem with their families over the weekend. They are also expected to complete the poetry homework and bring the completed work to school on Monday.


All students are expected to read every night! The goal is to read for twenty minutes or more each night. Students can read independently or read a loud to a family member. It is also important for students to hear 'expert' readers so reading a loud to your child is very beneficial!
* I will be sending home a 'Read Everyday' package in the Home Folders shortly that will provide you with ideas and strategies for reading at home.

Other Homework

Students will write about any additional work in their agendas. At the end of each unit there is usually a Show What You Know and I will usually send home a short note with topics to review before it. Please remember to check your child's agenda nightly.

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