Monday, 22 February 2016

Math Update: Measurement

Today we had a great afternoon exploring some big ideas in measurement! We determined that J. H-M. has the longest feet in the class followed closely by H.G. and J.G. S.Y. has the shortest feet in the class.

During our problem solving challenge we realized some really important things about measurement. I encourage students to discuss these big ides with their families at home!

There are standard and non standard units.  A standard unit is used across Canada so if you went into a store and asked for a piece of fabric that is 60 cm long the person working there would understand. Some standard units that we talked about today were the centimeter (cm), millimeter (mm), and meter (m).  We learned that the width of our pinky finger is about 1 cm! So we can use that as a bench mark for making estimates. 

We learned that non-standard units can be used to measure things around our classroom and at home. These units can be used if we need to compare measurements. Snap cubes, paperclips, scissors, and Popsicle sticks are all non- standard units.

When we compared the length of our feet we noticed that we all needed to be measuring in the same unit! 

We learned about using the ruler and noticed that you need to start at 0. We also noticed that the rulers in our classroom have centimeters and millimeters. 


Tomorrow I will be sending home a page about measuring and comparing lengths at home. It is intended to be used as an extension of our learning in class. I encourage students to work through the activities with an adult. 

For Grade Twos: The homework activities are about measuring using non-standard units. In Grade Two, students are learning how to measure with non-standard and standard units. As a challenge, Grade Two students can complete the same activities using non-standard units, and then measure again using a standard unit (cm). If you do not have a ruler with cm at home please write a note in your child's agenda and I will send home a ruler to borrow for the activity. 

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Black History Month

February is Black History Month. Each classroom at Rick Hansen has created a tribute door. Our door is dedicated to K'naan. As our tribute we retold the story of Wavin Flag for others to see. Students are encouraged to share K'naan's story with their families and further discuss Black History Month at home. Some student were asking me to play Wavin Flag again so I have included the link here so that they can listen at home and share the song with their families. 

Friday, 12 February 2016

Math Update

Our final task in geometry was about building a fantasy city made of 3D solids. Once the cities were completed students took an "airplane" to visit another city and  become a tourist. They had to pack their math notebooks and pencils. When they arrived at the city they wrote about what they saw using math vocabulary. 

Next week we will begin our measurement unit by learning about estimating and why we do this. The measurement unit is about three weeks with a performance task at the end. It leads nicely into our big unit about addition and subtraction and money. 

As we enter Term Two students can expect a little bit more math homework. There will be some measurement challenges to be completed at home and later some addition and subtraction games that will be sent home. Please remind your child to check their agenda nightly! 

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Grade TWO Science

In the past few science classes we have been learning about the wheel and axle through exploration. Students were challenged to create their own car. The only criteria was that the wheels had to turn using the somewhat limited supplies that we had. For most of the building time (3 full science classes) you could hear a pin drop in the classroom as the students were so focused on their task. The results were fantastic and I am so proud of these students! We learned so much through the process and from our mistakes.

Yesterday we took our newly completed cars on a parade. Here is a short clip of the cars rolling by!


Thursday, 4 February 2016

Winter Carnival Tomorrow

Just a quick reminder that Winter Carnival is tomorrow. Please dress to be outside for most of the day! It is a great idea to bring extra socks and mitts etc. snow pants are definitely a great idea- Even though we are lacking snow we will still be on the field for some of the activities!