Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Red and Green

We are dressing festive at Rick Hansen on Friday! Try to wear red and green if possible! 

Tuesday, 15 December 2015


So far our class has brought in 62 food donations!!! This well exceeds our goal of 42! Thank you so much for sending these items in with your child!

Empathy Assembly

The Pride Assembly about empathy is on December 18th at 2:10. All are welcome to join!

Christmas Carols!

Christmas Caroling will take place in the front foyer Wednesday and Thursday this week at 8:45 am. All are welcome to join!

Monday, 7 December 2015

Math Update!

We are learning about patterning in math.

Grade One Learning Goals:

I can create a repeating pattern.
I can describe my repeating pattern by explaining the pattern rule (ABA, ABBA, ABABA, etc.)
I can circle the core of the pattern.
I can extend a pattern.

Grade Two Learning Goals:

I can create a repeating pattern, and a growing and shrinking pattern (this one will be introduced this week) with two attributes changing.
I can describe my pattern by explaining the pattern rule (ABA, ABBA, ABABA, etc.)
I can circle the core of the pattern.
I can extend a pattern.

We will not have a Show What You Know in this unit. Instead there will be a number of problem-based performance tasks that the students will be engaged in. You can support your child at home by asking them to create, extend, and describe patterns. You can also challenge your child to think critically about patterning by posing a question like this:

Grade One:

You have 6 circles, 3 squares, and 3 triangles. Create as many patterns as you can using all of the shapes. Tell your pattern rules and describe the core.

Grade Two:

You have 9 triangles, 6 squares, and 3 circles. Create as many patterns as you can using all of the shapes. Tell your pattern rules and describe the core. What changes can you make to the shapes so that two attributes  are changing? Remember to only make two attributes change- which can be tricky sometimes!

Remember our attributes that can change are: colour, size, shape, position/direction.

Sample Patterns

Sample Grade Two Pattern
Attributes Changing: colour, shape
Pattern Rule: AABAABAAB
Core AAB
Sample Grade One Pattern:
Attributes Changing: colour
Pattern Rule: ABBABBABB
Core: ABB

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Holiday Concert

The Holiday Concert is next Thursday, December 10th at 2:00. Kindergarten, Grade One and Grade Two students will be performing. |Families are welcome to attend! Our class is singing a winter song called "Don't Wake The Bears".  Students have been asked to wear cozy clothes, or pyjamas on the day of the performance. "Stuffies", small blankets, or small pillows would make great props and students are encouraged to bring them if possible! Our class spoke about other props that would be suitable for the performance like an alarm clock, a welcome mat, or picture of a favourite food as each of these things are included in the lyrics of our song. I suggested that these items be home-made, like the "junk art" in our last poem of the week. Students were told that they can create any props at home and bring them to school before the performance if they would like to, but this is not homework!

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

"We Feed Hunger" Food Drive!

Rick Hansen students make a difference!

During the month of December we will be holding a food drive. Non-perishable items collected will be donated back to those in need in our community. Our school goal is to collect 1000 items! Our classroom goal is to collect 42 items! This works out to 2 items per student, including the teacher. Your support in our initiative is greatly appreciated!