Monday, 7 December 2015

Math Update!

We are learning about patterning in math.

Grade One Learning Goals:

I can create a repeating pattern.
I can describe my repeating pattern by explaining the pattern rule (ABA, ABBA, ABABA, etc.)
I can circle the core of the pattern.
I can extend a pattern.

Grade Two Learning Goals:

I can create a repeating pattern, and a growing and shrinking pattern (this one will be introduced this week) with two attributes changing.
I can describe my pattern by explaining the pattern rule (ABA, ABBA, ABABA, etc.)
I can circle the core of the pattern.
I can extend a pattern.

We will not have a Show What You Know in this unit. Instead there will be a number of problem-based performance tasks that the students will be engaged in. You can support your child at home by asking them to create, extend, and describe patterns. You can also challenge your child to think critically about patterning by posing a question like this:

Grade One:

You have 6 circles, 3 squares, and 3 triangles. Create as many patterns as you can using all of the shapes. Tell your pattern rules and describe the core.

Grade Two:

You have 9 triangles, 6 squares, and 3 circles. Create as many patterns as you can using all of the shapes. Tell your pattern rules and describe the core. What changes can you make to the shapes so that two attributes  are changing? Remember to only make two attributes change- which can be tricky sometimes!

Remember our attributes that can change are: colour, size, shape, position/direction.

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