Friday, 29 April 2016

Tin Roof Global Fundraiser

Tin Roof Global Fundraiser
The Student Council at Rick Hansen Public School is very excited to introduce our newest fundraiser - Tin Roof Global Water Challenge.  The challenges will run from Friday, April 29th to Friday, May 27th.  Our aim is to raise money to build tin roofs on schools in Uganda.  By achieving this goal of raising money to build a tin roof, the water can be collected in a huge concrete vat to be shared throughout the entire community.  Many communities in southern Uganda have to walk at least two kilometres to a water source which is often extremely dirty.  This leads to illnesses, lack of education (time taken away from class time to access water) and in extreme cases, death. Tin Roof Global has been working for years to build tin roofs on schools in Uganda.  One roof, from start to finish, costs approximately $10,000.  It is the aim of our school to raise as much money as we can to help the children of Uganda.


1/ Down the Hatch - Friday, April 29th
2/ Water Walk Challenge - Wednesday, May 4th
3/ Lug-A-Bucket - Monday, May 9th - Friday, May 13th
4/ Water Conservation - Monday, May 16th - Friday, May 20th
5/ Plunge - Friday, May 27th
All these Challenges mimic the harsh conditions that some Ugandan citizens face on a daily basis as they access water.

We would appreciate any help that you can give us as we try to make life better for people in Uganda.  Please visit our website:

Tax receipts will be given for donations over $25.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Art Tomorrow

We will be painting tomorrow afternoon ! Please bring a "painting shirt".

Spelling Homework

Some of the activities in our new spelling program involve typing and working on a computer. Yesterday I explained to the students that instead of printing their spelling homework they can simply share their document with me on google drive. Many students know how to do this already and I showed the students the steps again yesterday. If students are not comfortable with this it is still perfectly fine to hand the work in. Here are the steps for sharing homework with me on google drive

1. Open Google and type into the search

2. Login in with user name and password (students have this in their agendas)

3. Create a document (press the rectangle that says "NEW" in red and select document.

4. Type your homework!

5. Click on SHARE on the right side and type in Sunnerton

Friday, 8 April 2016


Hopefully something like this came home yesterday! In math each student created their own set of flashcards with doubles, and doubles plus one facts. By reviewing these cards at home students will build their mental math skills. I have asked the students to practise with these cards every night for about ten minutes for the next two weeks. These cards do not need to come back to school! Here are some ways students can practise with these cards at home: 

#1 Go through each card and solve the addition problem, check the back to compare your solution. * I really encouraged students to not "skip" cards that they don't know. They should be trying to find the solution to every card! It helps to think aloud. Once students "know" their doubles facts they can use those facts to solve the double plus one facts.
 For example, a thought process for solving 8+9 might be "I know 8+8 =16, 8+9 is one more than 16 so the answer is 17". OR "I know 9+9=18, 8+9 is one less than 18 so the answer is 17. 

#2 Students that confidently know the answer for each fact card might have fun timing themselves to see how quickly they can go through the cards.

#3 As a challenge, students who are confident with the facts can look at the answer (go through the cards backwards) and say the two numbers that were added together to make the answer. 

#4 Playing War! This is a fun way to practise the doubles and doubles plus one facts with an adult, sibling, or friend. Take the cards off of the ring and split them into two equal groups. Each person adds their numbers and the person with the greater number for their answer gets to keep both cards. Play until one person runs out of cards! 

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or even new ideas for how to use the flashcards! Thank you for your support.