Friday, 11 March 2016

Happy March Break!

Just a quick note wishing everyone a wonderful safe and fun March Break! If you are looking for some learning activities for over the break here are some ideas!

  • Read everyday! Take a trip to the Aurora Public Library and borrow some books about a topic you are interested in, explore a brand new series of chapter books, or take out some cool looking picture books that you have never seen before! If you read a really great book we would LOVE to hear about it after the break!

  • Math Games! In math we are learning about strategies for addition and subtraction. We have been focusing on "Friendly Numbers" (for example if you are adding 5+6 you can easily add 5+5 and then add one more!), and Making Ten (all the different number combinations that make ten for exmaple 8+2, 9+1, 6+4 etc.). I have sent home a couple of math games for students to play with family or friends over the break. The games require dice. I thought most families have dice at home, if not they are at the dollar store. 

  • Writing! Consider reading a story and then writing a different ending or new chapter! Perhaps keep a diary of your thoughts and feelings over March Break, or write a retell of an activity that you experienced on the break. If you feel proud about something you wrote on March Break we would LOVE to hear it after the break! 

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