Monday, 21 March 2016

New Social Studies

Tomorrow we will be starting our new Social Studies Inquiry Unit about the Global and Local Communities. For this unit I will be teaching the Grade Ones and Grade Twos together! In this unit we will be exploring our local community, global communities, and we will also be creating, and interpreting maps!

To begin I will be posing the question Why do we live where we live? Throughout the unit we will be thinking about this question and hopefully generating some meaningful answers! It is great if you can talk to your child about this question and come up with some ideas from home as I know that many family members will have some really insightful answers for this.

It would also be great if you can talk to your child about the services and buildings (community centres, schools, municipal building, stores, fire and police, doctor)  we have here in Aurora while thinking about how these places meet our needs. Grade Two students would benefit from spending some time exploring the atlas. If you do not have one at home here is a link to an interactive map that students can spend some time exploring.

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