Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Helping a Family Affected by the Alberta Fire

This morning Sadie made a presentation to our class about her friend's cousin's family. This family was affected by the Fort Mac forest fire and had to leave everything behind. Their house was ruined. Sadie and her family are taking the initiative to help this family by giving them toys, craft stuff, stuffies, and a gift card.

If any students would like to contribute Sadie will be accepting donations of clothes, toys, stuffies, or even hand drawn pictures for the children.

The children in this family that Sadie is helping are 5 year old Anna and her 2 year old brother Malcom.

Sadie says, "I would feel sad if this happened here because all of my favourite stuff would  be ruined. That's why I want to help them."

If you have any questions just ask! Thank you for your support.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting and helping Sadie with this. The family will be very grateful. I was told recently that fortunately, they didn't lose everything. They just don't know the full extent of the smoke damage because they have not been home.
