Friday, 20 May 2016

Update Before the Long Weekend!

Independent Homework Projects

Some students have been taking the initiative to research and learn about something that they are interested in at home. They have been consolidating their new knowledge and creating a short presentation to 'teach' their classmates. So far we have had 4 presentations. This independent project is not a homework requirement however if any student takes the time to learn about something new and creates a short presentation (5 min) I am happy to provide class time for sharing. If you have any questions please ask!

Spring Concert and Book Fair

The Spring Concert is next Thursday, May 26th from 6:30-7:30. While this is a junior/intermediate concert all families as welcome to attend. Also next week the Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the library! The Book Fair will be opened late on the night of the concert.

Lots in Home Folder! 

There is a lot in the Home Folder today! Please look through the items carefully.

-Information about big ideas covered in health class beginning next week

-Hansen Palooza note about our classroom basket and requesting for volunteers

-Jump Rope for Heart information and pledge form.

Have a wonderful weekend and spend some time outside! 

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